What is Business Blogging?
Business Blogging Definition Let’s start with what really is blogging. Technical is the process of creating short to medium pieces of digital content that we call them “posts” and publish them on a regular basis into a blog. Blogs can exist as solo digital assets or can be part of websites under the section “news” or “blog”. But to make it more clear, blogging is a mentality of living. It flourishes from an urge of continuous curiosity about almost everything. We can easily say that it’s a mindset of optimistic philosophy that drives bloggers to notice common everyday activities and record their personal reactions in a daily & public digital journal. Blogging has become an extension of the philosophical principle by Rene Descartes: I think, therefore I exist (Cogito, ergo sum). Today it has transformed into I blog, therefore I exist . The source of blogging is based on one of the basic needs of humans. The need for communication. Furthermore, it feeds the need for ...