What is Business Blogging?
Business Blogging Definition
Let’s start with what really is blogging. Technical is the process of creating short to medium pieces of digital content that we call them “posts” and publish them on a regular basis into a blog. Blogs can exist as solo digital assets or can be part of websites under the section “news” or “blog”.
But to make it more clear, blogging is a mentality of living. It flourishes from an urge of continuous curiosity about almost everything. We can easily say that it’s a mindset of optimistic philosophy that drives bloggers to notice common everyday activities and record their personal reactions in a daily & public digital journal. Blogging has become an extension of the philosophical principle by Rene Descartes: I think, therefore I exist (Cogito, ergo sum). Today it has transformed into I blog, therefore I exist.
The source of blogging is based on one of the basic needs of humans. The need for communication. Furthermore, it feeds the need for belonging and bonding with your peers. – Areti Vassou, Founder of Ideadeco.co
And by definition blogging (writing and expressing your point of view) offers the illusion of importance. In other words, the belief that “what I share is important”. Only a few pass this false belief and succeed in creating blogging timelines that actually make an impact on the world.
Just to clear the air, we have to stress out that bloggers are not journalists. Bloggers don’t document reality, they only share their personal opinion about a certain topic. Freedom of speech protects individual opinions more than the truth itself. Everyone with an internet connection and a computer has the opportunity to share their personal opinion, thoughts, stories, work, brand, business, etc.
Business Blogging Identity
Business blogging takes out the personal element from blogging. Basically aims to communicate a brand’s values, philosophy, mission, design features, brand identity, business timeline, explain the use of products or/and services, promote events or conferences, establish the mindset behind the brand’s culture, publishing important announcements and PR releases and finally forming what characteristics set the qualities of the community around a brand. All of those are building the brand’s voice and brand awareness.
For the sake of clarity, a blogger may present a brand’s service or product by sharing his/her personal opinion. A business blogger that creates content for a specific business blog may present the service or product without showing any hints of his/her personal opinion.
Business blogging is based on direct communication and it’s motivated by the need to inform the public of all relevant information about a brand. This means that the published content (in all forms) is answering the main questions of Who, What, Why, Where, When, and How.
If a business blogger is starting to create content for a service here is a way to answer the main questions:
- Who is this brand?
- What is this service is offering?
- Why should I trust it?
- Where can I get?
- When could it be helpful?
- How they create it?
The paragraphs must silently answering the obvious questions of the readers and potential clients, without offending in any way the target audience’s concept of values, status, education level, social & financial positioning.
Business blogging is all about delivering the right message to the right people with the right way.
Business & Corporate Blogging Tips
by Areti Vassou
During WordCamp Thessaloniki 2019, Areti Vassou had the opportunity to present all the essential tips for a successful Business & Corporate Blog. Here is the video from her presentation:
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