Gallery Walls are Back
Gallery Walls are back!
Whether it’s big, small or somewhere in between, creating a gallery with your favorite photos and art pieces can instantly elevate the style of any house. Have in mind that this project is not something you can really knock out in a day. Needs patience and inspiration…. Take all the time you need for the preparation, categorize, testing and forming the perfect collection before you start hanging it on the wall.

Find the right wall
First you have to find the right wall, then you have to pick the photos or art works that really inspire you. Both of those steps can be easy if you already have some pieces waiting to be used. If you just start your collection, most probably you are surrounded by a ton of “art works” that have fallen out of your attention. Where?
Your old family photos inside a forgotten box, some handmade sketch made in a hurry with pencil and are still under the coffee table, an old book full of maps, sea shells from your last trip to Santorini, a very old love letter, your kid’s paintings or some of their first clothes…. Yes, your house is a huge treasury box. Take a very good look around…

But the final step is the hard part… Frames!!! Are you wondering which one to use on each art piece? First of all have a clear budget list and a confirmed sense of style that actually agree with your house. Visit as many frame stores as possible, to find the perfect-in-budget frames. Of course e-commerce websites can be really helpful, like POTTERY BARN , IKEA , HABITAT orSIA etc.
Now you are ready to start assembling your gallery wall. It may need some days or weeks but the result will reward you with joy…

About: Areti Vassou | IdeaDeco
Fascinated by the miracle of life. Always curious what is in the next corner. Designer at IdeaDeco. Make Ideas Happen @ Digital Graphic Design, Web Design, Social Media Strategy, Interior Design, Art, Antiques, Photography.
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