Find joy in the little things | Areti Vassou | LinkedIn

Find joy in the little things | Areti Vassou | LinkedIn

Even under the influence of quite difficult conditions we all may experience joy from everyday little things. Joy and happiness is an inner sense and most of the times is irrelevant to any given situation… How come?
Personally have never failed to believe that the smallest things can have the biggest impact in our life. A sweet word, a warm smile, a tender look, a graceful silence, a cup of tea just as you like it, a hi-miss-you quick call, a surprise silly-but-funny gift and so many more that can turn the table in a sec and may help to escape worries or problems at that point in time.
Being an adult requires a heavy effort in many and various fields but still… We all can choose how to react upon the uncertainty of life. And as wonderful Life is, sometimes it doesn’t  feel easy to wake up each morning with a big smile on our face. But a hot blended cup of coffee that your best friend bought for you, can make a difference…Oh yes, it can!!!
We just have to pay attention to all those small details that if they were suddenly stripped out of our everyday routine would left a sense of emptiness. Kindness and dedication are valuable and worth seeking. Offer your caring attention generously and you will be surprised how joy and happiness will find ways to return back to you…
Some years ago, when I was fired from my last job, my best friend gave me this sign to hung over my desk. As stupid as it may seem this TRUTH LIST boost me to build my own company.
  • Human life is short
  • Choose your battles
  • Just do it
  • Everything changes, every second
  • Don’t wait for an apology to forgive
  • It is what it is
  • Silence is gold
  • Some people are simply the wrong match for you
  • What you own is not who you are
  • It is not other people’s job to love you, only yours
  • You live the life you create for yourself
  • Everything is doable
  • Thinking and doing is not the same
  • Being busy doesn’t mean productive
  • Some kind of failure always occurs before success
And guess what… Success came in and stay!!!


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